My horoscope sign is Aries, it presents energy, optimism and leadership which is what I am all about. Limitation is what I hate the most since it kills people's passion. I started teaching some courses during 2010 but I quit at the end of the semester since I believe that learning shouldn't be limited to certain books or programs; I believe that everything around us give us experience which is necessary for learning. I have discovered that the key to success is to break limitation and this is what I have been doing recently. I have been engaged in social work since 2012 and I have big passion to make a change, I believe in youth and in my city’s potential. I dream of opening a nontraditional school and to make it a models teaching with Art and technology. I organize TEDx event in my city Tripoli, I am a member of Global shapers network and I believe in team work.
Nazih Fino

As an interior designer, project manager and brand designer, I aim to join design and social responsibility. After graduating in Interior Design, Project management and international business, I worked on a range of projects from mixed use buildings in Dubai to rehabilitation of underprivileged houses of Syrian and hosting families in Lebanon. I am a member of two NGOS, co-founder of one, and I am currently creating a third NGO for animal welfare to see the light in 2017.
My motto is that “Every soul has the right to live and every child has the right to grow in a safe and nurturing environment.”
Nuhad Sheikh
Co-founder of SEED

I came to work for SEED as an intern in the summer of 2016 as the Protection Officer. I had an amazing experience working with other NGOs to provide the best service possible for the people of Tripoli. I am now working remotely for SEED because when I left Lebanon I just couldn't leave SEED behind! When I'm not writing reports for SEED, I am studying for my degree at the University of York. I have a keen interest in human rights and accessible politics and I hope to return to the Middle East to continue my career.
Charlotte Massey
Editing Officer

I am from the North of Italy and I came to Lebanon in April 2016 for four months as the Protection Officer. I really enjoyed working for a small emerging organization since it gave me the chance to contribute actively in the project planning and overall strategy. At this point I would like to thank the whole SEED team and of course especially Nazih, who made my 4 months in Lebanon an unforgettable experience, and showed me the direction of my future professional pathway. I am now volunteering for an NGO in Kenya… who knows where my humanitarian work will take me next!
Maram Sabha

I started volunteering for SEED in the beginning of September as the Fund Officer. What I really enjoy is the variety and challenges of tasks with such a wide range of amazing and interesting contexts, from a multitude of different projects in the most disadvantaged areas of Tripoli. I have felt so welcomed by the whole team! Now I am still a SEED’s volunteer teaching in Al Sindibad Library and it’s impossible to describe the emotions that every child is giving me.
Sara Ubbiali

I began my time with SEED as the volunteer Education Officer for the Alsindibad Library education project in Hai Tanak in Tripoli. I am now the centre coordinator for this project, and it has been an honour to have been given this role. I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of this and will treasure these experiences and memories for the rest of my life.
Emily Hale
Center Coordinator

My name is Antonin Python and I began to work with SEED at the end of November 2016 as a project coordinator and teacher.
I finished my bachelor in political sciences in January 2016 and I came to Lebanon to work in humanitarian and social field. I think that there is neither issue more important nor experience more thrilling than to take part to a project bigger than us that provides help to those who need it.
In Lebanon, I found very open, warm and sensitive people that are doing a lot to improve the situation in a sometimes difficult daily environment. And that is very inspiring !
Antonin Python
Project Coordinator & Teacher

I began volunteering at SEED in March 2017 as a Psychosocial Support Project Coordinator. Currently, I am a BLN Youth English teacher. SEED has been an organization that I am proud to be a part of and to grow with. As SEED continues to grow in Tripoli and reaching a multitude of children, youth, and families I continue to be amazed by the hard work of its volunteers and staff and the quality services we all provide to people in need. The atmosphere of SEED is welcoming, positive, and provides a safe place for children, youth, families, volunteers, and staff to gain knowledge to contribute positively to the local community. I look forward to see what SEED will do next!
Heather Payne
Project Coordinator & Teacher

I'm 21 years old, which means I'm the youngest volunteer at SEED. I study Marketing at the Lebanese University, and I take photographs from time to time.
I started working for SEED back in February 2017 as a Media Officer. Today, I am teaching my foreign colleagues Arabic, and I am going to give marketing class to some students at Jasmine library.
Bilal Khawli
Media Officer & Teacher